Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Word about Downline Builders

So, today I was checking through the traffic exchange
listings at TEHoopla and I noticed a new TE had made
it into the TEhoopla's list of the top 42 TEs as
ranked by the TrafficHoopla rating system.
Which was Website Traffic Hog.

I also noticed I wasnt a member of that site. So
I clicked the join button and started to fill out the
join form. Well to my amazement I noticed that the
person getting credit for my signup was none other
then Bill Carr, the owner of Traffic Hoopla.

Now thats not a big deal to me really, but I know that
Bill Carr isnt my sponsor into TEHoopla ( by the way-
TrafficHoopla and TEHoopla are to different programs
from Bill Carr). So My point is that my TE Hoopla sponsor
hadnt gone through and taken the opportunity to update
his IDs in the downline builder. He totally missed the
chance to gain me as his referral.

Honestly, I joined TEHoopla a long time ago and I really
dont know my sponsor or I would have contacted him and
given him the chance to be my sponsor.

But that is the nature of downline builders.

My Point is, We all spend a good amount of Time
and Money to build downlines in TEs and in the downline
builders. If your not maximizing every free
resource to capture as many referrals as you can
from all sources, Shame on you :)

Downline builders work, they work well, but only if
you maximize their usefulness and fill them in, At
least start with the free services and as you build
your online income start joining the rest of the programs
in your downline builders, Every chance you have
to fill in a spot in a downline builder will increase your
traffic and grow your multiple streams of income.

You dont have any referrals in your downline builders
you say. Thats easy, just start advertising them or share them with
you contact list and incorporate them into a system you may be using.

So thats my thought on Downline Builders.

Steve Smith

PS i also recommend FreeTECredits downline builder


  1. Great Post Steve,

    This is a great lesson for all who read this if you join a traffic exchange Make sure ALL your info is filled In you could have a new referral in a downline builder that you dont use much But The benefits are HUGE

    The traffic exchanges you use now is a referral later if done right or you might just be left with out the credit for the work you did.

    Awesome Post Man

    James Dias

    1. Thanks James I appreciate the feedback. Rock on

  2. Hi Steve

    Great post Downline builders are always great to use I am guilty of not keeping up with all of them too. Many time site owners add things and many of us just don't take the time to check

    1. We are all guilty of it, I hadnt checked TE Hoopla in awhile I must admit

  3. great post steve. I was just updating some of mine tonight too great minds think alike lol.

  4. wtg steve ya really know about these downline builders keep up the posts again thanks for sharing.

  5. Wow Steve, What a Great Post!! I'm one of those guilty of not keeping up with all the downline builders in the various sites I belong to, I get them started, but always forget to go back once in a while to check if anything new has been added...but I will do so tomorrow!! :)
    Thanks for the reminder & a great job on your first blog!!

  6. Interesting post here. I'm guessing the moral of the story is to fill out downline builders. I suppose if your upgraded at a traffic exchange and use it quite a bit filling out the downline builder could be painless. If I was to fill out every downline builder in traffic exchanges that I am a member... oh wow what a tedious task. Thanks for the reminder ;)
